There is a World War II legendary quote by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. Allegedly he stated something to the effect of, "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass". Now before you go off and start yelling, "There is no proof he ever said that", I qualified it as a legend and I would imagine that YOU don't really know, either. I have begun this particular blog post with that quote, whether real or fictitious, to make a point. In recent days, there has been a great deal of internet traffic and hand-wringing over the possibility of an ISIS invasion. I read that the border has been targeted for an attack and that terrorist forces are massing in Juarez Mexico, which is just outside of El Paso, Texas. Now, I could go on a really nutty conspiracy theory rant about how someone just happened to try to bring down Rick Perry thereby leaving that border unopposed by one of the few governors in this country who would probably mount a Hummer and personally lead the Texas National Guard against any invasion, but since that's just crazy I'll let you think that over and decide for yourself. I think I have a solution to the problem of ISIS. I'll get back to that in a minute.
As a militiaman myself, I have taken seriously the following from the Code of Virginia:
§ 44-1. Composition of militia.
The militia of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall consist of all able-bodied residents of the Commonwealth who are citizens of the United States and all other able-bodied persons resident in the Commonwealth who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, who are at least 16 years of age and, except as hereinafter provided, not more than 55 years of age. The militia shall be divided into four classes: the National Guard, which includes the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard; the Virginia Defense Force; the naval militia; and the unorganized militia.
Now I'm not really 100% sure just exactly how many able-bodied persons there are between the ages of 16 and 55 currently residing in the Commonwealth. I do know that the United States military has roughly 1.5 million active troops and maybe 850,000 or so reservists. The last check I did said that there is somewhere in the vicinity of 20 or 21 million veterans (as of 2012), about 800,000 of which live in Virginia. Now, I know of few, and I mean, FEW veterans who do not own at least one firearm. I know of MANY who are armed to the freaking TEETH, however. I will not discuss my loadout here, but let me just say that in less than 60 seconds, this old Devil Dog can be ready to repel an attack and make the average home intruder wish that he or she had picked his or her target a bit more carefully. So how many veterans with how many guns would you say would be ready to hit the street in even less time than that!? Grab a shotgun and a few shells and let's mount a defense, right? Let's just say 25% of the population of veterans are able and armed to do just that. That cuts us to 200,000 strong. On top of that, this is only military veterans AND one represents one state of this great Union. I know a LOT of patriots in my Commonwealth who may have never served, but will grab a hunting rifle and be ready to throw down in less time than it takes you to holler "Allahu Akbar". I dare you to come to Virginia and tell a redneck he ain't allowed to go fishing or deer hunting because of some crazy rule in your Sharia Law and I can guarantee you that you will find yourself uncorking a bottle that you will in very short order wish to all that is good and holy in this world that you could get put back in.
So what about the other side? How many ISIS soldiers are there? I think ISIS has somewhere between 7,000 and 10,000 troops? Someone can feel free to correct me if I am wrong. Let's just say that ISIS has a FIELD DAY in their next recruiting drive and they double the high end of their estimate to 20,000 troops. Oh, I know they are well-armed, but what are they fighting? Who are they fighting? They kidnap innocents, duct tape their hands and feet so they can't fight back, buy some recording equipment, and tape a murder after reading some garbage about a Caliphate and Allah or something like that. They have YET to face down the American Patriot. How long did it take to kick them out of Iraq? Four days or something insane like that?
Riddle me this, on God's green earth does ISIS seriously expect to mount any serious threat to the United States Mainland? I'll tell you how they could conceivably do it.
They could scare enough people with their terror tactics and make us all think that they are much more than they really are. Fear is the only weapon that the average Islamic terrorist has to use that will have any possible effect. I for one am sick to death of hearing the rhetoric and am more than just a little amused at the empty threats and hollow words of a delusional religious attempt at the domination of the United States (by the way, the IRS has already accomplished that, so you might want to pick an "unoccupied" country to attack).
Here's what I think. I think it's time to dust off our rifles. Maybe it's time to go to the store and get some ammo. Maybe it's time to go out and do a little target shooting. If you're so scared of Islamic terrorists in our midst, let's prepare a real American welcome for them. I'm talking the type of welcome that Cornwallis got a few years back. Oh. I almost forgot. I promised a solution to the problem of ISIS. It isn't fancy. It's not magic. In fact, it is so simple that you may just wonder why you didn't think of it yourself. Here it goes:
Problem: ISIS wants to invade the United States of America
Solution: Good. Let them come.
The worst nightmare of our enemy is the American Patriot. The American Patriot is a free man or woman who has a heart of steel and ice for blood. We bleed red, white, blue and we are NOT afraid to defend our homes, our farms, our children, and our freedom. Be warned though. Don't say someone didn't warn you. There will be no rules of engagement. There will be no fair fight. And just know that out in the backwoods of Texas, there will likely be no survivors. Those boys are just mean.